This is how I came into this work from a quite grounded and rational background

This is how I came into this work from a quite grounded and rational background, which is research and engineering… (so there were, let’s say quite few chances I would become one day, a reconnective healing practitioner…) And I must recognize that this happened in such a way, that even a Cartesian mind like mines had to admit its evidence. Actually, at the time, I was already on what we could consider as a “spiritual search or path, or journey”, for about 20 years, in despite of the fact that I used to be someone being in control of everything, you now, putting much effort in calculating everything, making plan A, B, C, even D, in detail for any situation, trying to manage everything like I used to do in my job, – I used to be a project engineer in a corporate environment, and you know, this is what you do in project management, you do a plan, you evaluate risks, you mitigate them, in order to prevent or minimize failure, and this is what I had been doing for as long as I could remember… And I was so tired, that I must have been thinking that it has to be another way, much more effortless… and in this search I was trying to get and read whatever book I could find in the field, with preference of course for those supported by science – this was my left brained side; also I use to read, following my feeling of the moment, 2-3 books in parallel, easier than having to make choices, when you have more than one new good book release at a time. We are somewhere10 years ago, and among other many books, I had already bought more than 3 years earlier of that, Dr Pearl’s book, The Reconnection, Heal others, heal yourself, had put it into my library, but, curiously enough, it seemed that during all those years it was there, its tour simply hasn’t came…….yet, I had read many others…….when… that day, without any particular reason, I reached out and took it from the shelf and just started to read ……..and when I started, I simply couldn’t leave it…I read about a quarter of the book, when I felt like a wave of energy, vibrating and going all away through my entire body from top to toe, a very intense, distinct, recognizable mesmerizing perception, that I’d never had before… I tried to keep my composure, reminding me hat I was a more or less rational person who could hardly admit that just by reading about these frequencies I could already feel them… I was so amazed, that I couldn’t wait and went quickly to the back of the book to see where I could find more about this, ….I found the Reconnection website, went there, and,…. believe it or not, we were about Wednesday night and I saw that on Friday of the same week Dr. Pearl would come to give the very first seminar in Belgium, in Antwerp. And there, all of a sudden, all became very clear: starting that moment, I knew without any shadow of a doubt that I was going to be there that Friday, period! – and that, no matter what!….even if they were sold out, even if I was supposed to be at work late that Friday, and even if there was only one day left to accommodate all those details… And so it was!…….And starting this weekend of October 2008, exactly 10 years ago, since I came into contact with these frequencies, with this work, and have had my Personal Reconnection, it was like finally finding something I was waiting or searching for so long…it was like coming back home. It was resonating so perfectly with my own truth, so profoundly, that it became literally part of my life, and this has not only been limited to the RH and PR sessions in my practice, but I have been appealing it daily everywhere, at home, in my engineering work, in the street, at the supermarket, etc, because in reality, it is a philosophy of life and an art I was adopting, so I would say that more than using it, I have been really living it. And this has literally changed my life. And now, 10 years later, I’m even more amazed and grateful to so clearly recognize the real shift PR operated in my life, by simply bringing more clarity and ease to go through life, a broader perspective, making me knowing that no matter what, I will always be alright and all will always be all right for everyone … And most importantly, by literally putting me on my “life mission”, – when shortly after I became a practitioner -, it brought me the opportunity and the honor to witness so many spectacular transformations in other people live and this is so precious. To illustrate that, I would like to share few healing stories from my practice: Healing story 1 This is one of the healing stories I most prefer, simply because I did not know anything about what was going on with the person I was facilitating the healing for, meaning: reasons, expectations, diagnosis and so forth. Actually, I was in a big store, late in the afternoon, when a young lady for whom I had facilitated a RH and her PR some time ago, called for a Distance Reconnective Healing for her mother. There was a lot of noise around me, they were having a big advertising event with loud music and speaking, so I could hardly hear her voice. Actually, I believe I just could get 3 ideas: the emergency -since she was practically crying when asking me to facilitate 1 DRH for her mother the same evening asap and a second one the day after, I believe I have heard the word hospital, and then something about doctors not pronouncing themselves, or not giving much hope about I don’t know what. I told her I will facilitate the 1st DRH in about one hour and the 2nd one next evening, and so I did. Then I did not really think about, any more… The fact is that the day after the 2nd DH, she called me saying that she was so happy, because her mother entered from the hospital that morning and her hand was completely healed. As by that time I still didn’t know healed from what, she explained that following her mother diabetes, the blood circulation was interrupted in her limb’s extremities (hands and legs) and that she developed an infection in a finger that was operated on, but with big risks that the wound does not heal, doctors being very skeptical about this, envisaging and preparing her mother for an amputation. It would have been another more, since she had already been amputated a finger in similar circumstances. To make a long story short, this young lady was that impressed with her mother healing, that after this experience, she took the entire next training program, becoming herself a practitioner – SO, THIS WAS REAL LIFE PROGRESS. Healing story 2 This is about a young man, who was looking for a solution to appease the terrible pain caused by a Zona or Herpes Zoster, just having started few days before, on a large part of his back, with a rash skin. On arriving, he hardly could lie down on his back on the massage table, so it hurt him. We did the session and at the end, getting up, he said he no longer felt any pain and this already since the very beginning, a few minutes after starting the session. The next morning, he called me to tell that the rash on his back was gone, there was still some crust to fall, otherwise, his back was perfectly healed and clean. As you may know, this is a viral disease that affects the skin and nervous system and the skin rash is the acute phase of the disease. The complete cycle until the blisters dry up and form scabs and eventually fall may last 2 to 4 weeks. But the story does not end there, because two weeks later, he came back with a question: “is there any chance that the RH I had might have something to do with a radical change in the behavior of my girl friend? – Because we used to have, let’s say quite a difficult and complex relationship before (and I’m choosing my words, saying that), and precisely since then, she’s completely different, and moreover, this is like our relationship would become much more profound and committed”. And by the way, last week he invited me to their wedding… So here we have an example of how one can seek very specific outcome, on a physical level, and receive much more, in this case a deep transformation on a relational level. Healing story 3 This is the story of a young woman, 27 years old, never married, single parent for her son 7 years old. She has a strong character, the kind of young woman knowing exactly what she wants, who did not see any problem to decide and entirely assume her role of single parent and break her engagement for getting married while being three months pregnant. She uses to be very optimistic and full of joy, someone really loving life. She lost her mother, only 51 years old, after a long disease. There always has been a very strong fusional relationship between mother and daughter. The same day when her mother passed away, a very strange thing happened: suddenly she started feeling extremely bed, could not eat, heaving headaches and pain everywhere in her body, with in addition fever, sore throat, nose stuffed, no taste, no hearing at all, both ears being painful and completely blocked, so that she had to ask people to stay upfront in order to be able to read on their lips. In despite of antibiotics and other medicines her consulting physician had prescribed, not only there was not any improvement, but her state got worse and lasted the entire week after. The physical pain added to a serious depression made her having very difficult to carry out any elementary day to day gesture. The only efforts she still consented to do were linked to her son and even this was really very hard. Although the link between her disease and her mother death was very obvious, and finally accepted even by her medical doctor, the lack of reaction to the allopathic medicine could hardly find an explanation. When she came to see me, it was practically the first time she went out and she was really in very bad shape. I have facilitated her RH, and when we were done, even if she had quite difficult to emerge, once came back, she was so serene, a big smile on her face for the first time since weeks, telling me that she does not remember having felt so great since ages. But the big surprise was that she was earring now with her left ear, her nose was completely debloked, and her taste came back. No fever, no headache, not any pain in her body, just vanished. She told me she was feeling in perfect shape, having plenty of energy and like starving to do lots of things. She was feeling like being in peace and loving life again. The next morning she called me to tell that the right ear has also been completely debloked and that she was starting to re-paint and redecorate her-self her apartment. Of course she was continuing to still think constantly to her mother, but, interestingly enough, this time, differently, the obsession and pain had been totally replaced, she said, by an infinite love and the intimate conviction that her mother is and will always continue to be with her. So the present she received, in complement of her physical healing was a powerful spiritual healing. Healing story 4 Another short one is about a young man who came to see me for a specific issue, too: he was suffering of panic attacks: he used to have them practically every night at 3 o’clock, starting always by being awakened by all the prior symptoms and quite often this would end to the hospital, because he would call the ambulance. As a result, he had lost a lot of weight, was completely exhausted by this situation that he could absolutely not control, and the fact of having a responsibility job (he was a bank manager), was not getting things easier, either. We did only one RH session, and few days after I was receiving an e-mail from him, letting me know that during the night after the session, he did wake up again at 3 o’clock, as usual, but that this time his panic attack turned into a crazy laugh attack, and that was the very last time, up to that moment, he was awakened for that. And here again, this is was not the only outcome: a few month later I learned that his life has changed a lot, he had left his job, shortly after, because he understood that this was not at all what he liked to do, and therefore the main source of all of his stress problems, so he took some time for himself, and was now about to start his own business, doing what he really likes. Healing story 5 This is about a woman, 65 years old, who came specifically for a hard back pain, lasting for 2 years. Even if generally, I let people know that I would prefer to know as less as possible, ideally nothing, about the problems they want to fix, sometimes they are so focused on, that they are simply not able not to talk about. She booked directly 3 sessions, we did the first two and her back pain has decreased, but not dramatically. During the 3rd session, I was working on the side on her feet, when she opened her eyes several times, as she was looking for me; I asked her gently every time to close her eyes back and we have continued. At the end when she opened her eyes, with a big smile on her face, she let me know that she was filling a hand touching her hair and thinking first that it was me, she kept opening her eyes to see where I was…but shortly after, she knew who it was: it was her deceased husband – she also could see his face. Her eyes were now in tears, tears of joy when she shared the message received from him: he wanted her to be happy and live fully her life, instead of confining at home and being depressed and sad for him …actually he was very happy…and he also thanked her for all their beautiful years. Yet, she did not speak either of his depression or her grief for the death of her husband, two years ago; she was coming right for her back pain, that’s all, because she was simply not conscious about the rest. She told me she realized now, through this powerful experience, that actually she had not really done her mourning, but only now. And she was looking so happy when recognizing that, and also was able to take her back pain for what it was: a consequence of her real pain and she went even farther, saying: “what if this was only a way to make her come for a healing, in order to receive the rest?” And this was a wonderful present she received: a healing on a spiritual level! So as you can see through these few examples, even when people come for specific issues, when they couldn’t solve them with their medical doctors, they may sometimes having them fixed, sometimes not, or not completely, but very often they may receive something much greater than they have imagined.
Doina Lazar

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