Reconnective Healing Stories

For the last thirty years the Reconnective Healing® Experience has brought instantaneous healing, deep transformation and accelerated evolution to countless people around the planet. It has doubtlessly made a profound change in the lives of millions.
We have curated a selection of their transformative experiences below. We hope these healing stories inspire you, maybe even validate for you your own Reconnective Healing® Experience.
Do you have healing stories to share?
Let us know how Reconnective Healing® has brought transformative experiences to your life or the life of someone you know.
Click on each of the titles below to open a story. To watch video healing stories click here.
My RH experience is helping me towards wholeness, be more at peace, giving me courage and to see the world, life, humanity and the universe with new eyes. It continues to be awesome with the realisation we are part of and are the I AM! I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the RH community and for being alive. THANK YOU!”
Rhonda Lynne Fenwick
Healing comes in many different forms, for example in recognizing of “Who and what you really are”. This is probably a life long process, but it´s a bliss already when it starts and it´s grace and a blessing, when you can observe this process within yourself over the years. For me it feels like a beautiful and steady undertone lying underneath the different activities throughout the day. And this inner process shows itself organically in your outer world- so you can be at the same time the one, who observes this inner process and its unfolding in your daily life and at the same time you are the observed, means you are the one, who acts fully responsible throughout your day, actively creating your life by expressing the impulses you get from this inner evolutionary process. Living on the foundation of an awaken and continually awakening consciousness and awareness, you live your life more and more by following your joy, your heart and your inner voice, and so you create your life actively by expressing your divine nature. Enjoy discovering yourself!”
Karin Schilling
I believe that it is important to disclose distance Reconnective Healing testimonies, and more now that we are more connected globally. A few days ago I asked one of my clients in Guatemala (I am in Colombia) if she wanted to share her testimony and here I sent her in English and Spanish, in fact I had already shared it on my social networks in Spanish “Hi, I’m Grecia, I want to share my experience with distance Reconnective Healing. I contacted Marcela Barbotto after watching a video where she was interviewed and she talks about reconnection and reconnect healing and her experience. I decide to contact her and do the sessions at a distance. There were many sensations, the blinking of the eyes became immediate, cold on my legs as if I were in a cold room. I felt like my body was pressed against my bed and I tried to move and I could not, and for a moment I felt as if they were taking something out of my body. I saw blue bursts, and I felt very safe during the session. And something that surprised me, I felt as if I had only spent two minutes during the session. After the sessions I began to feel that my mind calmed down, I am more present, I have more energy. And something fantastic happened, I fell some years ago and I had a sprain on my left foot, and my left arm could not reach it up with the right, nor could I take it back, because I had difficulties doing it. And I realize a week later that my arm was normal !!!! And my foot that was left with a muscular contracture, was also perfect. And so I think I’ll discover more changes …”
Marcela Barbotto
“My original back/leg challenge started in March 2018. I experienced sharp lower back pain which I believe was a result of some heavy lifting while moving boxes. I thought a few days of Advil and ice would take care of it, but not so! The pain became so intense that I could hardly move and could not sleep. I resorted to taking pain meds that were left over from my friend’s dog’s surgery. Emotionally I was discouraged and frustrated. I first went to my chiropractor who did various manipulations and heat treatments. I also was receiving treatments from one of my friends who works with energy. Several friends were sending various healing energies. In the next months, I went to my general practitioner who prescribed a round of pain meds. There was some relief, but I was still in pain – lower back pain which radiated down my left leg. In June, I went to a pain specialist who ordered an MRI and confirmed that the L4-5 and L5-S1 discs were herniated and stenosis was causing nerves to be pinched. I was given an injection into my spine (considered “surgery” and administered under anesthesia at the surgery center). This did not totally relieve the pain – my lower back was better, but the pain and numbness continued in my left leg. A second injection was given about 3 weeks later. Finally, the pain was gone. However, my left leg still had numbness and my left foot dropped when I walked. I was frustrated that I could not walk normally, but grateful there was no longer pain. The numbness slowly disappeared and by fall of 2018, I was fine except for my left foot dropping. I could not control my foot. This caused me to limp and again, I was frustrated that I could not walk normally and could not keep up a normal speed while walking. On October 21,2018 I attended a presentation by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer at the Emergence 2018 Conference. I was intrigued by the description of Reconnective Healing and participated when the audience was asked to do an exercise with energy. I can’t say that I felt anything unusual. I was fascinated by the demonstration of healing on stage with a woman who could not raise her arms over her head before the healing and could easily raise her arms afterwards. I did not once think of any healing for myself – it never entered my mind. I walked back to my hotel room after the presentation not particularly thinking of the presentation except that I would re-read Dr. Pearl’s book. About two hours later, I walked back to the convention center to meet Suzanne Giesemann and other friends for dinner. As I was walking across the street, I was stunned to realize that my left foot was not dropping. I thought it must be my imagination, so I tried a few different steps. My foot was working fine! I forgot about it temporarily when I greeted my friends, but as I was walking next to Suzanne on our way to dinner, I started to say, “Suzanne I think my foot…” and Suzanne jumped in with, “You’re not limping!” We both were trying to process what was going on. Suzanne sent a text to Eric to ask, “What have you done to my assistant!?” My skeptic-self wanted to wait and see if my foot worked in the morning. It did. Then, my skeptic-self wanted to see if my foot was ok when I walked from gate to gate later that day in the airport. It did. Now, more than one week later, I am not limping. I have control of my left foot. Wow! It is amazing that without setting any intention or feeling like I “tuned into anything” during the presentation, I received this healing. Thank you, Eric and Jillian! Thank you spirit!”
Bev Garlipp