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Hi!  My name is Colleen and I am a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner.

I have a Master’s degree in Social Work and I am an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.

I was introduced to the Reconnective Frequencies at a Kryon event with Dr Pearl and Jillian Fleer.  A series of synchronized events led me to an intimate gathering with Eric and Jillian again a few months later.

I couldn’t ignore the call to become a professional reconnective healing practitioner!

I have personally experienced healings from an incurable disease, witnessed miraculous healings in others such as cancer going into remission, traumatic brain injuries healed, healing from complex grief and even trauma leaving the body!

I am so very grateful and honored to facilitate a healing session for you!

I offer distant healings and in-person healings as well!



Reconnective Healing
Fee per Reconnective Healing Session
What is your monetary currency?
US dollar
*Reconnective Healing and The Personal Reconnection are two different services. While each practitioner sets their own fee for a Reconnective Healing session, The Personal Reconnection is always $333 USD or its exact monetary value in the local currency.



Contact Information

325 Speen Street, Natick, MA, USA (Massachusetts)
Phone Number