My original back/leg challenge started in March 2018

My original back/leg challenge started in March 2018. I experienced sharp lower back pain which I believe was a result of some heavy lifting while moving boxes. I thought a few days of Advil and ice would take care of it, but not so! The pain became so intense that I could hardly move and could not sleep. I resorted to taking pain meds that were left over from my friend’s dog’s surgery. Emotionally I was discouraged and frustrated. I first went to my chiropractor who did various manipulations and heat treatments. I also was receiving treatments from one of my friends who works with energy. Several friends were sending various healing energies. In the next months, I went to my general practitioner who prescribed a round of pain meds. There was some relief, but I was still in pain – lower back pain which radiated down my left leg. In June, I went to a pain specialist who ordered an MRI and confirmed that the L4-5 and L5-S1 discs were herniated and stenosis was causing nerves to be pinched. I was given an injection into my spine (considered “surgery” and administered under anesthesia at the surgery center). This did not totally relieve the pain – my lower back was better, but the pain and numbness continued in my left leg. A second injection was given about 3 weeks later. Finally, the pain was gone. However, my left leg still had numbness and my left foot dropped when I walked. I was frustrated that I could not walk normally, but grateful there was no longer pain. The numbness slowly disappeared and by fall of 2018, I was fine except for my left foot dropping. I could not control my foot. This caused me to limp and again, I was frustrated that I could not walk normally and could not keep up a normal speed while walking. On October 21,2018 I attended a presentation by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer at the Emergence 2018 Conference. I was intrigued by the description of Reconnective Healing and participated when the audience was asked to do an exercise with energy. I can’t say that I felt anything unusual. I was fascinated by the demonstration of healing on stage with a woman who could not raise her arms over her head before the healing and could easily raise her arms afterwards. I did not once think of any healing for myself – it never entered my mind. I walked back to my hotel room after the presentation not particularly thinking of the presentation except that I would re-read Dr. Pearl’s book. About two hours later, I walked back to the convention center to meet Suzanne Giesemann and other friends for dinner. As I was walking across the street, I was stunned to realize that my left foot was not dropping. I thought it must be my imagination, so I tried a few different steps. My foot was working fine! I forgot about it temporarily when I greeted my friends, but as I was walking next to Suzanne on our way to dinner, I started to say, “Suzanne I think my foot…” and Suzanne jumped in with, “You’re not limping!” We both were trying to process what was going on. Suzanne sent a text to Eric to ask, “What have you done to my assistant!?” My skeptic-self wanted to wait and see if my foot worked in the morning. It did. Then, my skeptic-self wanted to see if my foot was ok when I walked from gate to gate later that day in the airport. It did. Now, more than one week later, I am not limping. I have control of my left foot. Wow! It is amazing that without setting any intention or feeling like I “tuned into anything” during the presentation, I received this healing. Thank you, Eric and Jillian! Thank you spirit!
Bev Garlipp

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