Meet Svemir Kovac, Reconnective Healing Instructor

About Svemir Kovac
Svemir Kovac has finished Business Administration and Law School and had a very successful career in financial consulting and insurance. In his late 20ties, Svemir experienced a very deep metaphysical experience. As a result of it, his interest in exploring human supernatural abilities and human evolution has arisen. In his late 30ties, he discovered Reconnective Healing and has been drawn to it because of its simplicity. Through his own experiences, Svemir developed the understanding that to connect to the higher states of consciousness we do not need to do complicated procedures. We just need to allow. Svemir established his Reconnective Healing practice in 2012 shortly after becoming a Foundational Practitioner. Afterward in 2013, he become the Reconnection Certified Practitioner, offering his clients the opportunity to experience and receive their Personal Reconnection.
Since then Svemir is very passionate in educating people about Reconnective healing. In 2014 he finished his mentor training program and become a member of the International Reconnective Healing teaching team. Svemir had the opportunity to be part of the teaching team on many Reconnective Healing training programs around the world. These included: London, Paris, Los Angeles, Madrid, Amsterdam, Milan, Prague, Beograd, Lisbon, Madrid, Salzburg, Almaty, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Porto, and Zagreb.
In 2019 Svemir Kovac became an associate instructor with The Reconnection. Currently, he is very determined in offering Reconnective Healing training programs as part of the team of the Reconnective Academy International. Svemir’s focus is especially on the East Europe region. Svemir is also the founder of the Institut za Rekonektivno isceljivanje which brings together practitioners of Reconnective Healing from various locations. These include Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in their efforts to make healing and human evolution available to everyone.