In 2011 I received my Reconnection. It was a profound experience

In 2011 I received my Reconnection. It was a profound experience! During the second session I felt my legs becoming „ alive “ like the very first time. My left body side became more incorporated, my heart and thymus gland enhanced. I felt like the Sleeping Beauty waking up after Eons of sleep. Walking home I felt every step touching the ground. Earth before was very dense, hard and cold for me. Now I felt Mother Earth, the warm, nourishing, living and loving Being. With every step I was in contact with IT and felt so blessed and grateful. From that day on my mind got more clear. Old patterns, blocks, habits, some people just dissolved. I felt more power and vitality, more alive and younger. My left body side sensation became fuller and sharper. I allowed my female intuitive feeling part to get integrated. This showed also by suddenly enjoying wearing dresses, skirts and playing with shapes and colours. I fell in love after years of a broken toxic marriage. I felt more in tune with LIFE. People asked me:„What happened to you? You are so different and shining?“ My personal Reconnection helped me to birth my- SELF in a great way. Since that day I know I am on the path. I feel embedded in Life. Divinity incorporates into my body. I AM. Sure, Life is a process. Evolution never ends. I walk my path and am in tune with Mother Earth and Father Sky. I still fall down, but I am getting up again and again, with a smile on my face, TRUST in my soul and LOVE in my heart.
Brigitte Wuertele

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