Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer

Heal with the Power of Love & Reconnective Healing

Heal with the Power of Love & Reconnective Healing®

Premiered March 14, 2025

Recently, Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer participated in NEO Network’s Quantum Conversation Summit Series. They are themed “Interdimensional Beings & Our Galactic Connection”. (You can visit the program page here). Their topic was Heal with the Power of Love and Reconnective Healing®.

New Earth One (NEO) Network is dedicated to New Earth Living and assisting all humanity live from the Heart. Their programs have been curated from their collaboration with wisdom teachings from spiritual teachers and healers.  They have combined knowledge and wisdom that they share for humanity and New Earth, with integrity and equality. You can also sign up for a membership with access to the entire Quantum Conversation Summit series.

Brief Summary

In this Quantum Conversation episode, host Lauren Galey speaks with Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, founders and pioneers of The Reconnection® and Reconnective Healing®. They explore profound topics such as healing with the power of love, consciousness, interdimensional beingness, and the illusion of separation. Eric and Jillian emphasize that healing is not something we “do” but rather something we recognize—an inherent part of our being. They discuss the shift from progressive spiritual journeys to the direct path to healing, the importance of oneness over division, and the role of love as the ultimate healing force. They also invite participants to their upcoming in-person event in Virginia Beach, where attendees will fully experience the Reconnective Healing frequencies.

10 Highlights from the Conversation

1️⃣ Healing is a State of Being – Healing isn’t something we do; it’s something we recognize within ourselves. The process is about unveiling our natural state of wholeness.

2️⃣ The Illusion of Separation – There is no true separation between ourselves and others; what we perceive as “otherness” is just a construct of the mind.

3️⃣ The Direct Path to Healing – Many are now ready to step away from long, complex healing journeys and embrace the pathless path, where healing is immediate and intrinsic.

4️⃣ Judgment Closes the Aperture of Love – Judgment is simply the dimming of love’s light. Releasing judgment allows for greater connection, healing, and presence.

5️⃣ Healing Can Be Instantaneous – A corporate executive who had lived with lifelong depression found it was completely gone after a Reconnective Healing session—shocking her because it had been such a core part of her identity.

6️⃣ You Don’t Need to ‘Become’ a Healer – Healing is not about “becoming” something new but about recognizing who you already are. Techniques and tools are just training wheels—eventually, they must be transcended.

7️⃣ Presence is the Key – The mind seeks control, but true healing happens in stillness and presence. When we stop “doing” and allow ourselves to be, healing unfolds naturally.

8️⃣ Cosmic Consciousness is Already Here – Awakening isn’t a distant goal; it’s about recognizing the multidimensional aspects of our existence now, not in some future state.

9️⃣ Love Heals – The ultimate realization is that love is the driving force behind all healing. Everything that is not love is simply an opportunity to choose love again.

🔟 Upcoming In-Person Event – For the first time in four years, Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer will be hosting a live Reconnective Healing® training event in Virginia Beach (March 29–April 1, 2025), offering a direct experience of the healing frequencies.


Welcome to another Quantum Conversation. I’m Lauren Galey, and I invite you to sit back as we enter the quantum realm—that space of the greater part of you. It is your connection to infinite possibilities, infinite potential, and infinite mastery.


Beautiful hearts, thank you so much for joining us. We have a very special couple of guests today. This is Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer. They are the creators of The Reconnection. It is a healing modality that many people on our planet are using, and it actually opens people up to beautiful experiences and new energies.

Hi, Eric. Hi, Jillian.


Thanks so much, and welcome. Oh my gosh, I first met both of you—I think it was almost 15 years ago, if not more than that. So, how is it going? What is new with both of you?

You know, healing is always new, and relationships are always new. Each morning we wake up, and I say, “There’s the person I love.” As some people would phrase it, the face of God in human form for me. And every day is different.

That is so beautiful, Jillian.

It’s so beautiful. Wow. Well, thank you. The last 15 years have been a remarkable exploration of love, but also—what is healing? It’s really given us the opportunity to look at interdimensional being—not so much as a separate entity, not so much as two separate species or galactic friends, but actually, what is this interdimensional being that resides wholly in each and every one of us as one—as Oneness?

Ultimately, as Oneness, then it’s not just, “Who is this interdimensional being that resides in us?” but, “What is the interdimensional beingness that is us?”

Why is it that we perceive it sometimes as separate, distinct otherness? Why is it that, in these different forms of otherness, we attribute some as good and some as bad, some as neutral? What is it that doesn’t allow us to always perceive and recognize that we are one with everyone and everything, always?

And most everything around it is how we describe it—a story we make up that serves a purpose.

I also think we want to really deeply acknowledge the mechanism of the body-mind. We certainly know, at this intersection, that we are not a body-mind. We are God, love, infinite intelligence expressing itself through a body-mind in a way. But that body-mind has a beginning and an ending.

This interdimensional being doesn’t come and go. She is present regardless of the circumstances—whether they’re world circumstances, emotional, mental, or even spiritual in a way. The being, this interdimensional being, is ever-present.

Maybe we’ve played over the years in Reconnective Healing with the observer, the witness, and the witnessed. It’s an integral part of Reconnective Healing. Energy, light, and information are really what we are, and that’s the revealing.

So, what do we do with the last 15 years of space and time? Sometimes, really, the revealing—I’ll say all the time actually—is the revealing of ourselves to ourselves. The unveiling of myself to myself, which really is Self.

Reconnective Healing showed up very well disguised as other things. In other words, when it first seemed like it came in, that perception meant it was somewhere else, and then it showed up here. But there isn’t really an “else” or an “other.” It was a perception because I wasn’t allowing myself to see it. Then suddenly, it appeared.

That’s very much like if you draw all your curtains at night before you go to sleep. Then, in the morning, you open them, look out the window, and there’s this lush green lawn. Do you, for a moment, think, “Oh, I wonder where that lawn came from?” Of course not. It just is.

With Reconnective Healing, so many people in the beginning were reporting that they were seeing beings. We call them—I like to call them—people because they’re just us in various forms. They were seeing them by the same names, by the same descriptions, with the same messages. Some saw an angel who looked like this and said that. Some saw beautiful young children seeing a multicolored talking parrot that looked like this and said that.

I’m thinking, “None of these people know each other. It’s not making sense.” And yet, the healings took place. So, it was very easy for me in the beginning to say, “Oh, extraterrestrials.”

But really, what’s an extraterrestrial except us?

That is so very, very cool.

Here we are—we’ve been doing Healing Conversations, Quantum Conversations, for 20 years now. Isn’t that remarkable? I’m just amazed.

You both work with healers and empower people to step into their healing role all over the planet. Can you help us identify this learning path for the awakening ones? We have 8 billion people on this planet, and we’re seeing an acceleration in awakening.

I’d say the majority of people who’ve been with us for 20 years have excelled—they’re almost quantum, where they understand that we can be superhuman once we do the cleanup work. But we have identified a path, and maybe you both can speak to this.

That it really is—we must heal first. We must heal from our limiting beliefs, from programming and trauma that we’ve experienced in our life and maybe even other lives. Because it clouds our judgment, it keeps us from being in the heart and letting that heart light flow freely.

So, there’s the healing aspect that must be done first, that a person has to undertake on their own with a facilitator. That’s really what Reconnective Healing does as well.

But when we pass that level, we come into the heart, and then we live in the heart—we create from the heart. And then, Jillian, you mentioned the body-mind, the heart-mind connection as well.

This takes us to a next level of going quantum, where we begin to understand galactic consciousness, right? That we are almost even cosmic consciousness. There’s more to life on this planet, and it really is a beautiful journey for people.

Can you share your thoughts on the learning path for people waking up? And is it fast? Can they get through some of those earlier stages more quickly, or what’s that journey like in your eyes and experience?

You know, I want to first say that one of the greatest parts of this moment is that I feel like the human experience is really an upgrade.

And let me sort of qualify what I mean. Once we know that we are not limited to the body-mind—that we are truly all that is—we are consciousness.

Then, as you mentioned, there was a prior thought about something, I brought it into my heart. That was a very early variation of starting to find healing within the body-mind.

And then, that beautiful recognition: “No, no—I am this heart. I am this.”

Once our life, as we perceive and conceive it, is really centered in the heart, and yet it moves up into the mind for little editing—where we create in the world—we need the mind. We need the detail. We need the ability to look at a beautiful flower or a beautiful ocean.

Ultimately, I think this growth path becomes no longer about going from, “Something’s wrong with me, and I need to heal it.”

As you said, we become cosmic consciousness. The world, in a way, is our magnificent canvas.

And when we truly know this, I believe once you know this, you can’t unknow it.

No longer does a circumstance, a dilemma, a hardship, or a disease have the capacity to take that knowingness away any longer.

So, we are truly living as cosmic consciousness—no longer derailed, if you will, by every circumstance.

Consequences don’t determine our joy. Circumstances no longer have the ability to take away the sacredness of all that is—whether it is complex and difficult, heart-wrenching and suffering-filled, or whether it is elation, joy, and beauty.

It’s all truth, love, and beauty.

And I think we’re there.

A lot of things are going to fall away as this establishes itself.

And falling away is a very important word because, Lauren, you mentioned, “I think we become multidimensional. We become healers once we clean up.”

I’m going to play with that word “become.”

I don’t think we become that. I think we recognize that lawn when we open our curtains. We recognize that we are the healers.

The concept of cleaning up sometimes gets tied into concepts of worthiness.

And for many of those reasons, we start by not seeing the healer that we are.

We start on what is spoken of as progressive journeys:

“First, you do this.”
“Then, you do that.”
“Then, you do the other.”
“First, you use this technique.”
“Then, you move in this direction.”
“Then, you use that crystal.”

And these progressive paths can be short, and they can be a lifetime.

But ultimately, where is the progressive path bringing you?

It’s bringing you back to you.

Today, I find that a lot of us are ready to recognize that a direct path doesn’t require long travel.

It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the journey if we want to.

But a lot of times, we keep saying, “I’m going to step halfway, step halfway, step halfway.”

And we get confused because we see ourselves getting closer each time we step halfway.

And it’s true.

But the illusion is thinking that as long as we stay on a progressive path, we’re ever going to get there.

We won’t.

Because each time, even if the path is only a millimeter long, stepping halfway is still only stepping halfway.

At a certain point in time, we’re here to recognize:

“Wait—this is the truth, the essence of who I am.”

This allows us to—metaphorically speaking—feel, receive, recognize, and know.

And in that, we begin to truly facilitate healings as the healers that we are.

We stop stepping halfway and step into who we have been all along.

Ultimately, as we let that go, we discover we’re on the pathless path.

So what appears to be a path to us is ultimately an illusion.

Now, let’s not mistake the word “illusion” as meaning it doesn’t exist.

Because that’s what most people think an illusion is.

But truthfully, if you’re living in a very hot area and you’re driving down a long road, you might see what looks like a pool of water ahead of you—a mirage.

The people in your car may see the same thing.

So it’s real because it exists.

An illusion is simply not what it appears to be.

And long, progressive paths to discover that we are healers are not what they appear to be.

They’re not what is required.

They’re an option.

I like that word—option.

And I think that’s also a magnificent part of this moment.

We can start to choose.

And I think choice is really important.

Somebody shared this simple A, B, C, D.

I said, “Okay, well, A is the alchemy.”

It’s the alchemy of multidimensional quantum consciousness that no one can explain.

There is no actual way to know what it is.

But it is.

And here we all are.

Then there’s B—birth.

Then there’s C—choices.

And then there’s D—death of that experience.

And I said, “Oh, that’s fascinating. Death of that experience?”

She said, “Yes, because B, C, and D are just an experience.”

And yet, we never really—there’s never a loss of A.

A remains.

This infinite flow.

It’s the same.

And I think we are starting to recognize that is the main ingredient of this cosmic being that we are.

We’re so focused on B, C, and D—

“We’re born.”
“We make these choices.”
“Some choices are good; some are horrible.”

And yet, they’re all good anyway—we just regret some of them.

But how is it that when you close your eyes for a moment and say, “I am,” you know that?

We don’t know it through our mind.

We don’t know it through the body-mind.

We know that knowing.

So what happens when we really know that?

We’re born, and we’re looking all around.

And maybe that cosmic consciousness has reached that beautiful level where language is not so important.

All that qualifying we do sort of softens.

And yet, there’s reception.

And we truly understand that this B, C, and D—this—is unity.

But sometimes, it’s the contrast that allows us, that invites us, to understand.

For instance, we’ve all had those days where we’ve been cut off in traffic and had less-than-pleasant thoughts about the person who did it. Or we’ve stood in line at the supermarket in a rush because our partner is waiting in the car, and the one person ahead of us can’t find their 15-cent-off coupon.

And they refuse to take 15 cents from anyone, so everything gets delayed.

And we get angry.

“I’m annoyed.”
“I’m pissed off.”
“I’m whatever.”

And that keeps us from seeing—”I am that person.”

I’ve had those times.

And looking at that person, I realize that maybe I’m a little embarrassed that I need that money so much at this moment.

And I’m standing here, holding up the line.

There are so many things.

But, “I’m angry.”
“I’m this.”
“I’m that.”

And we feel what that word is.

We feel anger.

Now, sometimes, for me—and I bet for you if you try it—the key is not to say, “I am angry.”

Or, “I am this.”
Or, “I am that.”

Instead, to pause.

Drop the last word.

And simply say:

“I am.”

There’s something in that “am” that no longer has that experience.

Every experience has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

The anger begins, you’re in the middle of it, and then it ends.

The laughter begins, you’re in the middle of it, and then it ends.

But “I am”—

And I invite everyone watching this—just pause for yourself and say:

“I am.”

Feel the “am.”

And you may very well find that there are no edges.

There are no boundaries to “I am.”

It’s just who we are.

And suddenly, all those experiences that have been coloring our day and making us think, “I am anger. I am this. I am that,” vanish.

Because we’ve taken that moment to look at and feel ourselves.

You know, we’ve spoken for decades about “I am.”

It’s been looked at, storied, and explored.

It’s a beautiful approach to feel it.

But what if we’re actually going to continue to use the word “human” in a new way?

The concept of the “new human” has been explored by so many of our dear friends and colleagues—Lee Carroll and many others.

But what if—

Because I think we actually shun that word now.

We say things like, “I’m just human.”
Or, “I’m only human.”

But this is a glorious planet.

And while most of us have experienced that it’s not the only one—there are many dimensional realms, all simultaneous—I would say:

This is a pretty expressive and beautiful one.

So I don’t know that we want to trade our cosmic upgrade and leave behind this humanness, this human experience, this that we all are.

We connect in human.

We do.

And I think there’s an intelligence to this that welcomes AI, that welcomes all the creativity that’s been generated by this exceptional experience called “human.”

And to me, part of this time is about inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness.

That inclusiveness where we can’t just all be one and then say, “Yeah, but I only want that part, and that part, and that part.”

You know, oneness is pure inclusivity.

It’s not easy, as Jillian says, to see through the mind.

When I wrote my first book, The Reconnection, I viewed everything as otherness—separate and distinct.

It appeared that way.

It appeared—excuse me one second, I’m about to cough—it appeared that something was coming in, something was new.

There was “this” over there.

There was “that” over here.

By the time Jillian and I wrote our most recent book, The Direct Path to Healing, we began to recognize this unity, this oneness, this being.

And for a lot of people tuning in, saying, “Oh, what does this have to do with healing?”

The fact is—this has everything to do with healing.

The things that we are taught to do for healing—”Move that way, do this, do that”—

That has almost nothing to do with healing.

Unless we allow ourselves the gift of letting go of the doing.

Because only when we let go of the doing do we realize we’re standing there in presence.

That’s where healing is facilitated—in the presence.

It doesn’t allow us to get lost in the externals of “what to do” and “how to do it.”

It’s the key to everything.

And can I live that knowing?

Knowing that simultaneously I did work in the pyramids.

And I continue to exercise that capacity.

I work deeply with my love of Christ.

I do.

And that entire exchange happens simultaneously.

Now, I can choose, “Okay, I’m done with this human life, and I just want to be part of that dimension.”

“I just want to be ready to ascend.”

But you see, we don’t use the word “enlightenment” in Reconnective Healing.

Because we don’t believe that you can become something that you already are.

So we don’t speak about “becoming enlightened.”

It just doesn’t make sense in this approach.

You are enlightenment.

You just are.

And again, it’s whether it’s obscured or revealed.

Obscured or revealed.

But do we have the capacity, as this cosmic consciousness, to embrace all our capacity?

To be in these simultaneous planes of existence—consciously?

Not only do we have the capacity, but will our personality—what many people refer to as the ego—allow that?

A lot of people say, “I learned this, I learned that, I learned the other.”

“Here are my 16 certificates on my walls.”

“I can do it this way, that way, and the other way.”

And, “I am doing the healing.”

It takes a different, fuller awareness—a recognition of ourselves—to say:

“My beingness is the healing.”

Right now, Lauren, as I look at you, I am receiving healing.

And I believe we are all receiving healing.

Is that enough for us?

When Jillian and I facilitate distance healings all around the world, we’re sitting in presence and beingness.

We’re not standing and jumping up and down, moving our hands north and south, east and west.

It’s a beingness.

It’s the love of being with that person.

And suddenly, we realize—we don’t have to get on an airplane, take a taxi, and go up an elevator to be with them to facilitate a healing.

They can be so much more dramatic simply by recognizing who we are.

And I want to say one thing to this, because, Lauren, you said Acoustic Health has been around for 20-some years. Your program, yes.

And some might say, “Wow, this show is going to be my legacy.”

I remember hearing a conversation Oprah had about a conversation she and Maya Angelou had.

And it was something to the effect of, “This particular thing that I’ve built will be my legacy.”

And Maya Angelou said, “No, your legacy is in the next person that you touch, and the next person that you touch.”

It is not in a program.

It is not in an invention.

It is not as a healer.

It is not as a scientist.

That is not our legacy.

And yet, in this smaller consciousness, somehow, that exclusivity versus the inclusivity gets really lost.

And we will go to all ends of the world to protect it—to protect this elusive, illusionary legacy.

And I think that, too, starts to fall away once we really know that we are interdimensional beings.

We don’t feel the need to protect something as, “This is my thing. This is my one thing. Before I leave this body, I want to be sure this, this, this, and this.”

You’re not leaving anywhere.

You might leave your body, but you’re already doing that.

You’re doing that all the time.

So maybe that also just changes the atmosphere a bit in this human experience.

And we really relate to everything in the Reconnective Healing training programs that Reconnective Academy puts on for us.

We find that—well, if being is the whole thing, then what am I here to learn?

We’re here to recognize it.

And it’s a felt sense of knowingness.

This has a lot to do, I believe, with how Reconnective Healing first showed itself to me and how we were able to share it with others.

I would say, “Just hold your hand this way for a moment. Notice what you observe. Notice what you feel.”

“What am I supposed to feel?”

You’re not supposed to have a feeling.

What is it?

Does it tingle?
Does it move?
Does it change temperature?
Is there a vibratory sense to it?

Just explore it.

And then, suddenly, in our willingness to stand still and receive that recognition, new forms of recognition take place.

This is our oneness with everyone and everything.

When we say, “I have to do this, then that, then this, then that, then move it this way and do it that way,” we are talking.

We are not allowing ourselves to listen or hear.

In presence, everything is heard.

Because it is a felt knowingness.

Not knowledge.

Not these facts and those facts.

Because what do we know about facts?

Well, wait around long enough—they all change.

As science says, nothing can be proven in science, only disproven.

But knowingness is that place of knowing as your essence.

And you cannot stand in it alone.

Even as we are all looking at one another, we are allowing ourselves to be in feeling, be in recognition.

And I can pretty much promise you—you will receive messages from people after this program saying:

“You know, I’ve had this for a long time, and now I don’t.”

And then they’ll start thinking of healings as, “That which is wonderful. This went away. That went away. This fixed. That fixed.”

Which is great.

Except that’s not all that healing is.

Healing is about stepping into our fullness.

It’s about—not, as Jillian said, looking for enlightenment.

The healing is the recognition that we are that enlightenment.

And as enlightenment, it’s impossible to keep to ourselves.

This is the sharing.

And this is how people receive healing.

This is part of why it’s Reconnective Healing.

It’s not that we can ever disconnect.

It’s just that sometimes, we can overlook or sort of forget that we are one with everyone and everything.

And the fullness of healing is that recognition.

Lauren: Thank you both so much for this, because you’ve explained it all.

And you’ve explained that it really is nonlinear.

In a way, we can say it’s nonlinear.

That it’s this presence and the contrast.

So the contrast is what reminds us that we moved out of presence, right?

We moved out of love.

And then there’s that choice—that we can go back into that love.

And so this knowingness, this felt knowingness, absolutely has to override the ego or any doubt that may come in.

So we know that when people embark on this and begin to hear their guides, when we do this work and we are very present and have that knowingness, at times, there could be roadblocks or stumbles—called doubt.

That doubt makes us question whether it’s real.

We could even see a starship or a UFO in the sky, and because we don’t see it the next day on the news, we can disbelieve that we even saw it.

So, what have you seen with any of your students, or what are your thoughts on how we tame that ego mind?

And how does that really get reinforced?


It really becomes trust in the soul.

How do you cultivate that?

Jillian: It’s a beautiful gift. In this particular approach to healing—historically, we have had kind of the opposite problem.

Because when people begin to play with energy, light, and information, one of their first concerns is:

“Wait a minute. I wasn’t thinking that, or it bypassed my mind.”

It didn’t move through as a felt recognition that then had a behavioral interruption and maybe even a memory that came up and really blew it all up—something they had to process.

So often, our students come in with varying life circumstances, cares, and concerns.

And somehow, in this beautiful reconnecting, there is almost an immediate recognition:

“I am not my mind.”

“How could I be? I’m not having the thought aligned with what’s actually happening in my life right now.”


“This doesn’t match with my usual patterns of thought and belief.”

Instantaneous healing always brings that up, because you didn’t do anything, and now you’re something different.

So how do they reconcile that?

How do they grasp that?

That’s where the personality—I’m going to use the word “personality” instead of “ego” because “ego” can be a triggering word for some—rises.

It rises because the body-mind is designed in a way to recognize its role, its participation.

I don’t think that the body-mind prefers presence.

If it did, there would be no need for it.

It’s almost as if the body-mind slips into the background as presence moves into the foreground.

But from an egoic point of view, it’s not always comfortable for that release to take place.

And I think that’s why the progressive path can help.

It really can.

Not all of us are already there.

We’ve been conditioned so early on to qualify our very humanness.

From the moment we say, “I am,” we immediately follow it with:

“I am a girl.”
“I am a woman.”
“I am a doctor.”
“I am a teacher.”

We add labels to ourselves because that has been the platform for survival in this realm.

So how does that change?

It changes as we begin to recognize:

“I don’t have to be the one that knows they are depressed, for instance.”

Depression is happening.

But I am aware—as awareness—that there is depression.

I am not depression.

And slowly, especially when it’s something that’s been truly dragging us down, there is a relief.

It may be subtle.

It may not last long.

But it’s there.

And in that moment, we can—I’m going to use the word glimpse—we glimpse something.

We glimpse something that is not the personality.

Something that is not qualified.

Something that is not limited in any way.

We glimpse our true nature.

And right there, we don’t have to rework a belief quite the same way.

We don’t have to become—

And I do love this expression—“the best version of ourselves.”

I think there is a best version of ourselves in our daily life experience, and that’s wonderful.

But I don’t know that it informs us about our true nature.

So, we’ve got to get used to the fact that experience is limited.

It’s like your computer desktop.

It’s a beautiful way to play with icons, move them quickly, and express in many ways.

But it’s not the source.

Personality comes and goes.

How could it be what we truly are?

It can’t be.

And again, in Reconnective Healing, nothing Eric has ever brought to this planet was defined through the conditioning of the body-mind, the changing of beliefs, or the shifting of habits.

We don’t know how Reconnective Healing works.

And the first person who tells you they do know?

Just walk away.

Let them ruin someone else’s lunch.

The point is—we don’t know.

And it’s that willingness to not know that opens the infinite.

That’s what allows people to come in and have healings, even when they weren’t consciously looking for a healing.

Eric: We had a small gathering not that long ago.

One of our students had brought their daughter.

And as it turned out, her daughter was a very well-established, well-known CEO of a large company.

I spotted her standing at the back.

She seemed quiet, almost hesitant.

After the gathering, as people were leaving, she stopped me.

She said, “I have a question.”

And she seemed irritated.

I said, “How can I help?”

She said, “About six months ago, my mom came and learned Reconnective Healing. She was really enthusiastic, and so we wanted to encourage her. She did a session for me and one of my kids.”

I said, “Okay…?”

I was waiting for some big revelation.

And she said, “I am confused.”

I said, “What are you confused about?”

She said, “Well, I’ll be very transparent. I am what you would call a very high-functioning executive who has acute, manageable depression.”

I said, “Okay.”

She said, “I’ve managed my whole life like this. And I’ve obviously been able to be successful in my work and my relationships.”

I said, “Okay.”

And then she said, “I can’t find it.”

I said, “You can’t find what?”

She said, “I can’t find my depression. It’s gone.”

I said, “Okay. How are you understanding this?”

She said, “You don’t get it. I’ve known myself to be this way my entire life. I’ve orchestrated everything in my life around this. And now, it’s not there anymore.”

As you know, in a way, the healing happened exactly as it was meant to.

It unveiled her true nature.

And her true nature was not depressed.

But the architecture of her entire life had been built around her depression.

And suddenly, that frightened her.

She was about to get married.

And it brought up the concern:

“I’ve gone into this relationship with the assumption that this is who I am. What if I don’t love him? What if I’m a different person now?”

So here she was—having a healing.

She was glimpsing her true nature.

She was free from everything she once knew herself to be.

And yet, the personality resisted.

It resisted.

It was hard for her to grasp.

How could someone who has been depressed their whole life, suddenly, be anything other than elated that it was gone?

But you can be.

You can understand that, from the point of view of a limited self—the self that believes in birth, choices, and death—suddenly being freed from a lifetime identity is derailing.

So, I think we’re in this now.

I think many people are having instantaneous healings.

Jillian: Yes. Many people are having these instantaneous healings.

Like you said, they’ve found truth in their guides.

They’re listening to that truth.

We’re ready for something different now.

Eric: Yes, we’re ready.

And part of the reason we weren’t ready before was because so many people were teaching us as if we were not ready.

They were giving us little spoonfuls, holding back the rest, keeping us on a journey of steps and stages—

“First, you must do this.”
“Then, you must do that.”

But the truth is, the students are now the teachers.

And I don’t want to position it as teacher and student, as if there’s an up or down to it.

It’s really just key that we recognize—

We are ready.

We don’t have to go on long, protracted journeys filled with different steps and techniques anymore.

We are ready now, if we choose to be.

It doesn’t mean something is wrong with those who still want to follow that longer path.

But it means that we are welcoming the direct path to healing.

This is the time for the pathless path to healing.

And just like the woman whose depression left and she wasn’t sure she wanted that—

We must ask ourselves:

“Are we ready?”

“Do we want this?”

“Are we ready to let go of all the doing?”

I used an analogy in my first book—

Training wheels on a bicycle help us find our balance.

They really do.

But at some point, maybe you remember when your mother or father said, “Okay, it’s time to take the training wheels off.”

And you weren’t so sure.

“What if I fall?”

“Can I have another set of training wheels?”

“Can I have twenty-six sets of training wheels?”

But the biggest gift of the training wheels comes only when you take the last ones off.

In healing, all of these techniques—

“Do this.”
“Do that.”
“Use this.”
“Use that.”

They are our training wheels.

And they have value.

But the true gift of those techniques only comes when we allow ourselves to transcend them.

Because in that moment, the only thing left is you.

And that’s when we realize—

“Ah, I didn’t need the techniques. I just needed to remember who I am.”

When these healings first came about, healers from all over the world came to work with me.

And they would say, “Do this, do that. Add this. Add that.”

And for a while, I tried.

But I wasn’t even getting the same results.

And I felt awkward with it.

One day, I was facilitating a healing, and I thought, “Now, I can give them a way to anchor it in if it leaves.”

And then I realized—

“Wait. If I say, ‘anchor it in if it leaves,’ I’m already poisoning them with the illusion that it might leave. What am I saying? What am I doing?”

I knew, from being a doctor of chiropractic, that I was now stepping into healing.

And I had to challenge myself.

I said, “Okay. This is the time where I need to allow Reconnective Healing to stand or fall on its own. That is the only way I will know that what I am doing is real.”

Otherwise, why would I allow my life to go on this path anyway?

I had a very successful chiropractic practice.

I didn’t need to be waving my hands in the air at people.

It was just a knowingness inside me.

And I couldn’t have it clouded by doing things.

It just had to be.

Lauren: That is so beautiful.

Really, you have assisted us.

This conversation is so healing.

Because what we are really seeing is—there’s nothing to fix.

It’s about allowing.

We are here to allow.

So, this is good news for all those in that healing stage.

There’s about 10% of our audience that says, “I’m in that healing stage.”

Well, this could fast track them into just coming into the heart and being present.

And then—that is so beautiful.

What happens there.

This knowingness, this feeling of knowingness, is really the key.

And that can happen rapidly.

And we’ve seen people heal from this world rapidly.

Or, let’s call it—waking up rapidly.

And then bringing that awareness into the body.

Eric: Why don’t we even play with the word “rapidly”?

Because “rapidly” is a concept of time and space.

What if we allow ourselves to recognize healing as immediate?

Which really means—

There’s no time.

There’s no distance.

There’s no space.

There’s no measurement.

It just is.

And the healings that we’re looking for—

The reason we’re looking for them is because we already know them.

Otherwise, we would never be able to recognize them as something we desire.

We are that.

Lauren: I love that.

So, that’s 10% of our audience.

Tell me about the other 90%.

That’s inspiring.

Eric: Well, then there’s another 30% who see themselves as coming into the heart more—learning to live in heart-based consciousness, heart-based living.

And then those who are more quantum—that’s 60%.

These are the ones who are in tune with their heart.

They are connected with their higher self.

They know their guides are with them.

They are connected in that way.

Information and light technologies are coming to them.

They are remembering—flashes, glimpses, as Jillian says.

A glimpse of a knowingness about a stranger over there—

And suddenly, there’s a feeling, an electricity, a connection.

If we allow ourselves to feel into that, we know—

“Ah, that was a past life.”

“Wow, that was pretty sexy.”

Or whatever it may be.

It’s fascinating to see where humanity is right now.

Because many, many people are looking around and saying,

“Wow, there’s got to be something more.”

They are getting a clue.

And when they follow politics, for example, they see—

“Oh, in another four years, we’ll have another thing.”

“And here we go again.”

And the divisiveness continues.

But we don’t have to do that anymore.

We can say, “We are here to bring forward our authenticity, our gifts.”

Lauren: As we prepare to wrap up this conversation, I’d like to ask both of you:

What is the most important thing that we can do, as those who are awakening right now?

What do we need to keep at the forefront of our hearts?

Because awakening, in essence, means—

Understanding that love is the driving force.

Everything that is not love is here to help us make that choice—

To recognize that we just moved away from love for a moment.

So, what is the most important message you can each share at this time?

Jillian: For me, it’s my deep love to see myself in everything and everyone.

To know that I am that.

To no longer move through the world with that lingering conversation in the background—

“I’m so blessed because I have this, this, and this… and look at that person who doesn’t have that, that, and that.”

But instead, to actually walk through the world and say—

“I am that.”
“I am that.”
“I am that.”

And eventually—there are days when I think I do—

My daily waking state is filled with all of me.

All of my life simultaneously.

I can observe and feel them.

And they’re not just “my guides.”

They are my love of friendship.

They are my love of creative expression.

And I can see that they’re not all happening in this particular plane.

But I can also see that they are happening simultaneously, across all these planes.

And sometimes I think—

“What if everyone woke up tomorrow morning and all of their lives were happening to them, with them, in them, simultaneously?”

Right now, most people couldn’t handle that.

We can’t handle that yet.

But I think this dissolving of the veil of separation—

This lifting of the veil—

It’s happening.

And more and more, maybe it isn’t about allowing.

Maybe it isn’t even about choice.

Maybe it is just a sheer revealing of what is.

So, I hope we are ready for this.

That’s what I would wish.

I would wish that we are ready.

And that the 45% of people who have mastered a certain level of it—

Hold someone’s hand.

Eric: Yes.

And what Jillian is sharing also allows us to let go of judgment.

To let go of division.

Because when we hear our guide’s voice, are we willing to pause and say—

“It’s easier for me to attribute this wisdom to someone else.”

“Maybe I’ll give that more value than if I simply listened to myself.”

It’s like how we sometimes give more credence to a doctor in a hospital than we do to our own son or daughter—who is also a doctor—because we changed their diapers once.

It’s different when we look at ourselves.

And in releasing this sense of otherness and judgment, we begin to recognize something a dear friend shared with us—

That judgment is simply the closing of the aperture of love.

Jillian: Yes.

It’s a dimming of the aperture of love.

But, like every aperture—

An aperture opens and closes.

And I think, sometimes, that’s the experience we are having.

It is this aperture of love opening and closing.

But it’s all love.

It is just… love.

Eric: And when we stand in the knowing—the felt knowingness—of ourselves, of each other, of everything we recognize about ourselves, we see that.

That is love.

And somehow—

Because there are no how’s or why’s to love—

You can’t technique your way into love.

In that knowingness, healings appear.

For ourselves.

For others.

For everyone.

It might sound a little Pollyanna.

But once you experience it, you go—

“Ah. I got it. Where was I all this time?”

And it doesn’t mean there isn’t a dark night of the soul.

It doesn’t mean we don’t move through those moments, those weeks, or even those months.

But they no longer have the capacity to take us away from that knowingness.

And that, I think, would be a nice step up for the human experience.

Lauren: Yes!

So needed at this time.

And you both are doing incredible work.

As we mentioned before, those who have already gone through this path—

Who have achieved deep cosmic consciousness connection—

Now, it is time for them to step forward.

To be the teacher.

And that’s why the work you both do is so wonderful.

Because you are really assisting people in stepping into that knowingness.

And now, we know on a deeper level what that bumper sticker says—

“Love heals.”


We’ve said it.

Love heals.

We can move away from love and feel what that’s like.

But we certainly want to be in that love.

And today, as we are recording this—

This is a day of love.

Eric: Yes.

Lauren: It’s Valentine’s Day.

But truly, every day, every moment, is a day of love.

Is it not?

Jillian: It is.

And we’re very excited because there is a live, in-person event where you can join Eric Pearl and me.

Tell us about that, Eric.

Eric: We’re also excited about this because this will be the first time in four years that Jillian and I will teach live.

Really teach live.

Not just through the internet.

And what’s important about this event is—

Once you truly interact and share in what we call the Reconnective Healing frequencies…

Let me say it clearly—

You will be able to do anything and everything in the way of healing that I can do.

That any human, anywhere on this planet, can do.

And you’ll be gifted with that knowingness before you walk out that door.

Lauren: That is amazing.

When is it happening?

Eric: It will be in Virginia Beach, on March 29th and 30th—a Saturday and Sunday.

And for those who want to continue with the next phase, it will also run on March 31st and April 1st.

The best way to inquire about it is at

Jillian: Yes! That’s through our beautiful partner, Guja Mile, who is managing all the registrations for the training programs around the world.

So, anyone who might be interested—come play with us.

And thank you again, Lauren.

This has just been a beautiful conversation.

It’s just beautiful to be with you again.

And to actually speak about love itself.

Lauren: Yes.

A beautiful opportunity to join Jillian and Eric at this live in-person event.

Calling all healers!

That’s you!

Thank you both so much.

And thank you, Lauren, for your decades of bringing forward all different ways to understand healing, health, love, beauty, and truth.

You are quite remarkable.

Lauren: Thank you.

Really, you’ve touched me today.

Thank you both.

I have so enjoyed this conversation.

And I know that it has been uplifting for all.

And we can instantaneously heal.

Love heals.

Thank you both so much.

Eric & Jillian: Namaste.


Lauren: Thank you for listening to this Quantum Conversation.

And thank you for dancing with us to the cosmic heart.

As we raise our own vibration—

We raise the vibration of the planet.

This show is dedicated to you, and to all awakening hearts.

Because we are here to shine our bright light and amplify our love.

I’m Lauren Galey.

And from my sacred heart to yours

I honor your magnificent love and light.


We leave you now with music from the universe.

Music literally created by the universe—

As musical notes were assigned to mathematical equations.

The result is this beautiful music, available at



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