Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/

Medellin Reconnective Healing Training Program 2025 – in Spanish

Auditorio Parque Empreserial, Calle 53 No. 45-77 Medellín, Antioquia Auditorio Parque Empreserial,Calle 53 No. 45-77, Medellín, Colombia

CURSO DE FORMACION RECONNECTIVE HEALING Bajo la guía personal de Guglielmo Poli, Instructor Asociado entrenado personalmente por Eric Pearl, y Marcela Barbotto, lograrás una mejora dinámica en todos los aspectos de tu vida y ayudarás a otros a lograr lo mismo. Esta experiencia de fin de semana inolvidable mejorará tu maestría en el trabajo, ya que incluirá módulos de …

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Instagram Live with Dr. Eric Pearl


Join Dr. Eric every Wednesday on Instagram as he broaches topics that range from healing and transformation to exploring our very existence on this planet. 8:15 AM Pacific | 10:15 AM Central | 11:15 AM Eastern | 3:15 PM UTC | 5:15 PM CET   Follow us : https://www.instagram.com/thereconnection/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/

Webinar: van Zelfzorg naar zingeving


Melissa neemt je tijdens dit gratis webinar mee op weg langs iets wat onbewust een grote impact op ons mensen heeft, en ons leven behoorlijk (in de war) kan sturen. Maar tegelijkertijd willen we daar in het dagdagelijkse leven liefst zo weinig mogelijk aan denken of mee bezig zijn, namelijk zingeving, life purpose. Zingeving - …

Webinar: Van zelfzorg naar zingeving


Melissa neemt je tijdens dit gratis webinar mee op weg langs iets wat onbewust een grote impact op ons mensen heeft, en ons leven behoorlijk (in de war) kan sturen. Maar tegelijkertijd willen we daar in het dagdagelijkse leven liefst zo weinig mogelijk aan denken of mee bezig zijn, namelijk zingeving, life purpose. Zingeving - …

Play & Receive hosted by Cecilia Samms


It's Time To PLAY!!!Join us for a FREE Zoom Gathering!"Play & Receive" in the Reconnective Healing Frequencies Hosted by: Cecilia Samms With Special Guests: Joan Fowler & John Angrignon When in Australia: Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 12:00 PM Canberra/Melbourne/Sydney When in USA: Saturday, March 8, 2025, at 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM ET …

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Instagram Live with Dr. Eric Pearl


Join Dr. Eric every Wednesday on Instagram as he broaches topics that range from healing and transformation to exploring our very existence on this planet. 8:15 AM Pacific | 10:15 AM Central | 11:15 AM Eastern | 3:15 PM UTC | 5:15 PM CET   Follow us : https://www.instagram.com/thereconnection/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Instagram Live with Dr. Eric Pearl


Join Dr. Eric every Wednesday on Instagram as he broaches topics that range from healing and transformation to exploring our very existence on this planet. 8:15 AM Pacific | 10:15 AM Central | 11:15 AM Eastern | 3:15 PM UTC | 5:15 PM CET   Follow us : https://www.instagram.com/thereconnection/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/