Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Instagram Live with Dr. Eric Pearl


Join Dr. Eric every Wednesday on Instagram as he broaches topics that range from healing and transformation to exploring our very existence on this planet. 8:15 AM Pacific | 10:15 AM Central | 11:15 AM Eastern | 3:15 PM UTC | 5:15 PM CET   Follow us : https://www.instagram.com/thereconnection/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/

Reconnect to Your Best Self: An Exclusive Online Experience with Eric Pearl, Jillian Fleer and Guglielmo Poli


Join Dr. Eric Pearl, Jillian Fleer, and Guglielmo Poli in a transformational online gathering designed to help you realign with your best self. This experience combines motivational wisdom, practical healing tools, and the powerful insights of Reconnective Healing® to guide you toward becoming the happiest, healthiest, and most present version of yourself. Event Highlights: 1. Insights from the …

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Instagram Live with Dr. Eric Pearl


Join Dr. Eric every Wednesday on Instagram as he broaches topics that range from healing and transformation to exploring our very existence on this planet. 8:15 AM Pacific | 10:15 AM Central | 11:15 AM Eastern | 3:15 PM UTC | 5:15 PM CET   Follow us : https://www.instagram.com/thereconnection/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Instagram Live with Dr. Eric Pearl


Join Dr. Eric every Wednesday on Instagram as he broaches topics that range from healing and transformation to exploring our very existence on this planet. 8:15 AM Pacific | 10:15 AM Central | 11:15 AM Eastern | 3:15 PM UTC | 5:15 PM CET   Follow us : https://www.instagram.com/thereconnection/

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Solomon Study Group


The Solomon Study Group is a weekly online gathering hosted by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, and centered around the book Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life. This study group is included in your complimentary Reconnective Life Community (RLC) membership. Join now - it's free! https://www.thereconnection.com/product/reconnective-life-community-free-membership/

Tag Der Offenen Tür 2025

Jetzt & Hier, Augustrstasse 65 - BERLIN Jetzt & Hier,Augustrstasse 65, BERLIN, Germany

Am 26.01. lade ich - gemeinsam mit Stefanie King - kostenlos zum Kennenlernen von Reconnective Healing ein. Hier gibt es für einen ersten Kontakt mit diesem Feld aus Energie, Licht und Information eine Kostprobe der Heil-Frequenzen. Dabei werden in lockerer Gesprächsrunde Fragen zu dieser Arbeit beantwortet – ob über Dr. Eric Pearl und seine Geschichte, …

Tag Der Offenen Tür 2025

Praxis Ute Vondracek, Außer der Schleifmühle 26 28203 Bremen Ute Vondracek Außer d. Schleifmühle 26, 28203, Bremen, Germany

Am 26. Januar lade ich Sie ein, sich kostenlos über Reconnective Healing zu informieren. Hier bekommen Sie einen Vorgeschmack auf die heilenden Frequenzen für einen ersten Kontakt mit diesem Feld aus Energie, Licht und Information. In einem lockeren Gespräch werden Fragen zu dieser Arbeit beantwortet - ob zu Dr. Eric Pearl und seiner Geschichte, Wissenschaft …

Tag Der Offenen Reconnective Healing Praxis 2025

Richard-Reitzner-Allee 1, 85540 Haar, Germany Richard-Reitzner-Allee 1, 85540, Haar, Germany

In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz laden viele Praktizierende kostenfrei zum Kennenlernen von Reconnective Healing ein. Hier gibt es für einen ersten Kontakt mit diesem Feld aus Energie, Licht und Information eine Kostprobe der Heil-Frequenzen. Dabei werden in lockerer Gesprächsrunde bei einer Tasse Tee oder Kaffee Fragen zu dieser Arbeit beantwortet – ob über Dr. …

Event Series Solomon Study Group

Instagram Live with Dr. Eric Pearl


Join Dr. Eric every Wednesday on Instagram as he broaches topics that range from healing and transformation to exploring our very existence on this planet. 8:15 AM Pacific | 10:15 AM Central | 11:15 AM Eastern | 3:15 PM UTC | 5:15 PM CET   Follow us : https://www.instagram.com/thereconnection/