About Joan Fowler

Contact: joan@dove333.com
About Joan Fowler
Joan Fowler received her formal education in Engineering at the United States Military Academy West Point. She graduated in the 3rd class of Women to enter the institution. Joan also has an MBA from Webster University and is a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher 500 RYT.
Following a near-death experience in 1989, Joan had been in search of a way to re-experience the elation and knowingness that was present during her NDE. She was soon to experience it again. In January 2008 as she picked up Eric Pearl’s book “The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself,” she was struck by a powerful electrical sensation. She immediately read the book and scheduled Reconnective Healing Sessions and The Reconnection.
During the sessions that feeling of knowingness, of peace, of home surfaced again and continues to permeate Joan’s daily life. It is with great humility and gratitude that Joan participates and continues the expansion of this incredible work.
Joan Fowler sponsors grassroots efforts with local area practitioners to expand public awareness of The Reconnection through cooperative advertising, public speaking, as well as practitioner mentoring and Hospice work. Joan offers sessions of Reconnective Healing, The Reconnection, Reconnective-Certified Practitioner Program training, Practitioner Credentialing, Mentoring and Refresher courses.