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I am a Reconnective Healing Foundation Practitioner.

My journey began as a passion for seeing the world many moons ago. Despite being only eighteen years old, I took my blank passport and crossed my first border. I felt really inspired and adopted traveling as a hobby. I wandered through diverse cultures, and lands and explored many wonders and somehow I felt connected to the world.

Growing up I was introduced to spirituality as a whole, not as a certain practice or focus. Somehow, during my travels, I felt like there is an emerging inner world in me. Galvanized by the physical wonders of our Planet, I began to pursue a higher consciousness and energy, that even to this day expands the borders of my own world!

In 2021 I’ve started my first business “Heal With Stef”, which proved to be successful already! In 2023 I started The Quantum Journey Studio.

Project Quantum Journey was a natural next step. I feel inspired to help others discover their inner world, as I do mine.

Reach out to me to schedule your in-person or distance session!



Reconnective Healing
Fee per Reconnective Healing Session
What is your monetary currency?
*Reconnective Healing and The Personal Reconnection are two different services. While each practitioner sets their own fee for a Reconnective Healing session, The Personal Reconnection is always $333 USD or its exact monetary value in the local currency.


Bulgarian, English

Contact Information

The Quantum Journey Studio, 23 Main Street, Sussex, NJ, USA
Phone Number