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To all friends, seekers, consciousness lovers and those who want to recognize themselves in their wholeness and be healed.

In 2014, the RH frequencies touched us as a family and allowed us as RH practitioners to travel into absolute freedom from all thought constructs - daily and in all circumstances. We were able to remember what Source we are connected to.

RH is the path that has led us back into our divinity and self-love to realize the gift of life.

This remembrance of our Source, has made us examine and forget the life-limiting fears we all learn throughout life.

RH has transformed depression and heart problems into pure wholesome joy of living.

Unconditional love, the intelligence of the universe is all a life of wisdom, joy and peace needs.

Since 2017 we are living in a Campervan and traveling the world, which inspired me to specialize in RH Distance Sessions. I also offer home visits in France and Germany for the Personal Reconnection.

Curious about your RH experience?  Your rendez-vous with your divine potential and which holistic healthy state can develop from it?

I am very excited to welcome you here in the RH frequencies..

With Love Karin

to my website



Reconnective Healing, Personal Reconnection
Fee per Reconnective Healing Session
What is your monetary currency?
*Reconnective Healing and The Personal Reconnection are two different services. While each practitioner sets their own fee for a Reconnective Healing session, The Personal Reconnection is always $333 USD or its exact monetary value in the local currency.


English, French, German

Contact Information

Kölner Straße 260
Phone Number