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All my life I have felt that my hands are a source of energy and I have desired to help people to become healthy and happy. After many successful years working in the pharmaceutical industry, I decided to dedicate myself entirely to helping people to restore coherence and harmony in their lives on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. One day I discovered in the office of a medical doctor the Reconnective Healing Certificate. I searched for information about it, I read the books of Dr. Eric Pearl and absolved all the courses in order to make it for me possible to heal others, to heal myself. Thanks to the Reconnective Healing® frequencies I gained more self-confidence, harmony, and balance and I live my life with lightness. The philosophy of Reconnective Healing fascinates me: You are whole, you are enough. We are ONE. Everybody can learn it. I facilitate in-person and distance sessions of Reconnective Healing and also sessions of The Personal Reconnection.  I would like to pass on this great gift to all who want to change their life, who want to live it in love and with the feeling of abundance.




Reconnective Healing, Personal Reconnection
Fee per Reconnective Healing Session
What is your monetary currency?
Swiss Franks, Euro
*Reconnective Healing and The Personal Reconnection are two different services. While each practitioner sets their own fee for a Reconnective Healing session, The Personal Reconnection is always $333 USD or its exact monetary value in the local currency.


English, German, Hungarian

Contact Information

Basel, Schweiz
Phone Number