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After the incredible experience of having my Personal Reconnection facilitated, I quickly began to realize that I wanted to work more thoroughly with these amazing energetic frequencies. After experiencing the ways in which my own life was changing, I saw first-hand that when we come into balance ourselves, the energy we bring to the people and situations around us also comes into balance. I wanted to step fully into being a catalyst to help others improve their lives, to help raise the consciousness of humanity, and to bring Energy, Light, and Information to the planet.

I am certified to facilitate Reconnective Healing sessions and The Personal Reconnection. Healing sessions can be facilitated in-person or from any distance, while The Personal Reconnection is facilitated in-person over two sessions.

I maintain an active career as a classical singer and hold degrees in voice performance from the University of Colorado at Boulder and Manhattan School of Music. I travel often and am happy to book in-person or distance healing sessions, or to facilitate The Personal Reconnection if I am in your area. Please contact me for more information and to book your sessions!



Reconnective Healing, Personal Reconnection
Fee per Reconnective Healing Session
What is your monetary currency?
US Dollar
*Reconnective Healing and The Personal Reconnection are two different services. While each practitioner sets their own fee for a Reconnective Healing session, The Personal Reconnection is always $333 USD or its exact monetary value in the local currency.



Contact Information

New York, NY 10036, USA